fabiosistemi Thank you very much, can the same size or a different one be available even when the bar disappears?
What do you mean "when the bad disappears"? There are two other CSS variables:
:root {
--sidebar-width: calc(10vw + 180px); /* width when open on large screens */
--sidebar-width-small: 85vw; /* width when open on mobile screens */
--sidebar-width-hover: 480px; /* width on mouse-hover-open when closed on large screens */
fabiosistemi If desired, is it possible to show the full name of the folders in the menu with the title attribute?
You mean mouse hover? No it's not possible. I personally don't want this, because it can't decide what folder names are not entirely visible, so it will show ALL folder names on hover no matter what, and that's kinda nnoying and not useful. Besides, title tooltips are not intuitive for the user ... They need to hover over each and every menu item to be able to read the folder name, and it shows up only after some delay. Why not create shorter folder names?