dermicha567 Ok, gotcha ...
Unlike "image preview", this is not an optimal feature to implement though. With image preview, we simply load an image from each folder, and if the folder doesn't contain images, the image will be empty. There is no specific way to display a preview of files that are not images ... In your example, I just see an "open folder" image, which will be on top of the other folder icon, and this to me doesn't really imply that the folder is NOT empty ... Even if I see a normal folder without the icon, how am I supposed to know that it's empty? This isn't really normal in most file browsers.
Instead, why not display the FILE COUNT (123) on top of each directory icon? This to me is much more intuitive, because it's pretty clear that the number identifies how many files are inside the folder. This has also been requested earlier, but it's still not a simple process ... If Files Gallery needs to get the count of each folder, it not only needs to read files in the current dir, but also read/count files in all folders of the current dir ... This is slower, and is not compatible with cache, because the cache file for the displaying dir can't be validated vs all changes in all subfolders ...
So for me, displaying a file count is an interesting option, but not displaying another icon on top of the existing icon. However, even this file count will need to be optional, because it comes at the cost of slower performance.