I know what you're asking... it's best to create a script that reads the local folder and then uploads to your gallery path online. On that same script you need to conclude a timer even if it's as simple as a "usleep(100000);" or so so after it runs the page the first time, it will sleep lets call that 10 minutes. After ten minutes, it will rerun the code again.
You also need to not only read the contents of the local folder but you must include an array or loop the directory. Here's a piece of my code I did for our website that loops the files in a given folder.
$dir = "media/d1s/$lref";
$dll = $dir."/$lref.zip";
if (is_dir($dir)){
if ($dh = opendir($dir)){
$image = glob("$dir/{.jpg,.JPG,.png,.JPEG}", GLOB_BRACE);
for ($i=0; $i<count($image); $i++) {
$num = $image[$i];
echo "<a class='magnifier' href='$num'>";
echo "<img src='$num' alt=''/>";
echo "</a>";
That piece of code reads a local file on the server but you can very well exchange that for local reading. The next thing is you need to apply move_uploaded_file(...) segment in there so while it's iterating, it will take each file and upload it. I attached a picture too, their inline doesn't allow code to push through so it's taking away the quotes and stuff