brunoc68 This seems a bit clumsy, as the ROOT folder does contain all folders, that you want the user to access and be able to click. Perhaps you could tell me exactly why the user shouldn't be able to view the root folder if they already need to be able to view and click all folders in the root? IS it just because you don't want the visitor to be able to view the files in root?
brunoc68 I was able to do that with the following .htaccess and it works fine :
Yes, that would work, but it will use your forbidden.html
file instead of Files Gallery of course.
brunoc68 However, when I am in the subfolder FOLDER1, there is the icon with the link to the root directory, which is coded as href="/". When I click on the link, the application shows me the root directory.
I turned it several way around and could not find a solution.
So at last the easiest would be to remove the root icon in the code ; I could not find where to do that ?
I can't see any other solution than hiding the breadcrumbs home link, because the root folder must be readable for Files Gallery to be able to load and display the folders inside. You can hide it with custom.css:
.crumb:first-child {
display: none;