arbu Perhaps you can explain to me exactly what size and location you want the watermarks on portrait vs landscape? The watermarking is basically handled programmatically, but I implemented a system to achieve it with a few parameters.
Most importantly, I setup a system so that watermarks can be assigned as a percentage of the image width. Optionally, it can be assigned to pure pixel-width, but this is not practical of course, unless you assign parameters on a per-image basis. In most cases, it seems logical to have the watermark proportional to image width, even though it becomes slightly smaller on portrait images ... The logo will remain in a consistent position and relative size across all images.
There are already a lot of options for image watermarking, but there is no automated way to achieve entirely different size and position for different aspects in a single upload. One option would be to upload landscape and portrait images in two separate batches, with separate parameters applied. The only other option, would be to detect aspects and create your own resizing by hooking into the Compressor.js functions. This would require a fair amount of technical experience to implement.