qymll Will a modified noncdn version be released this year
YES. I will look into it for next release in a months time. All external resources can be downloaded as an optional package, and you will be able to set local path to all resources. This will solve 1. Connection with JSDelivr for users in China, and 2. Self-hosting resources when internet is not available, or for privacy reasons.
To be honest, in terms of usability, this is only a fix for users in China with inconsistent outgoing internet. One of the points of using jsDelivr in the first place, is because if speed and reliability. Outside of China, jsDelivr is always fast, and has 100% uptime with multiple redundancies. Unfortunately, it's a China-thing.
They also mention there is specific network support for China through QUANTIL, but clearly there are some outgoing connections issues.
qymll Load times have been reduced from tens of seconds to hundreds of milliseconds
Yep, that's good of course, but this is for YOU testing from your OWN server of course. The speeds in those screenshots won't apply for other users outside of China, or even inside China in a different location. The problem for you is simply China's outgoing connection with jsDelivr, and that's the only reason it's useful to replace jsDelivr.
qymll because I can't process the icon svg resources referenced from www.w3.org 。I don't really understand the developer's Programming grammar
Not quite sure what you are referring to. If you see www.w3.org
it just part of the <svg>
qymll But my approach is flawed because I didn't add the configuration to the extra configuration file, I used the substitution method。As described in the configuration comments, if these configurations are invalidated after the update, I'm not sure if there are any other bugs with my substitution method。I can't understand 100% of the grammar, and if I did, I might be able to develop it with the author,Of course not,haha
The solution will be as noted on TOP. Download a package of all resources and drop it into _files
. Then you will be able to set the path from options. This is the best and easiest solution.
qymll In the default configuration file, a timeout period is set for invoking CDN resources. for example 1s,If the timeout period is set, (When the cdn goes down (boomed ?) or there are some other network problems For some bizarre reason)local resources are invoked
This is pointless. Just change to the local hosted version if that suits you better. As noted, this is an issue only in China. Besides, we can't easily detect when scripts fail to load. Even if we do, it would still make the app very slow, because it would have to wait for 20-30 seconds to see if resources get loaded. Also, we can't do this by default anyway, because local resources are not provided by default.
qymll When the user first completes the configuration and visits the site,
Download all relevant CSS from cdn to a specific local folder for subsequent calls
This is pointless, because it will only happen in China, and then it will try to download all resources from a server it can't connect to. For users in China, just enable the self-hosted version and that's that.